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Amazon SMILE vs. Amazon Associate By designating the Bethel Education Foundation in the Amazon SMILE program and shopping at, you can ensure that we receive a gift of .5 (one-half) percent of what you spend (one cent out of every two dollars). But using our Associate links earns us 16 times more, and it is hard to use both at the same time. What Is an Amazon Associate? Bethel Education Foundation is an Amazon associate, which means that when you shop with Amazon using links from our web site, up to 8% of the value of your purchases is paid to the Bethel Education Foundation as referral fees. Will I See Visual Evidence of Associate Shopping? No evidence is displayed to the shopper that purchases are benefiting a particular Associate. This does not matter. If you have accessed Amazon through our links, we will receive the benefit. How Are Associate Benefits Determined? The most important factor is the number of sales made through our links. The greater the volume, the higher the referral percentage. Do I Benefit in Any Way? Well, Amazon's prices are seldom beaten. And a percentage of your purchases directly supports the production of the Bethel Education Foundation’s teacher-initiated grant program! Ways to Shop Amazon through the Bethel Education Foundation All you need to do is visit Amazon through one of our links:
The Bethel Education Foundation is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to |